The Feel-good Nightmare, It’s a Thing

I woke up startled, heart pounding, but also felt oddly energized and optimistic…maybe even a bit giddy?

In this nightmare a man was trying to strangle me. But instead of the usual feelings of confusion and fear, I woke up with a deep knowing.

I had unlocked a message — “use your voice.”

The next day, I was reading Women Who Run With the Wolves and specifically the chapter about the Bluebeard fairytale and I got even more clarity on the message.

This archetype can have multiple meanings, but in one specific instance and the one that I felt applied to me (and maybe You if you’re hesitating on a project) is actually very positive.

The dream comes to shine a light on our resistance and all the destructive ways that our minds can steal our own fire, leading us to hesitate moving forward on what's most important to us.

It’s a warning - “If you don’t pay attention to the treasures, they will be taken.”

Here’s the thing, I’d spent months researching. I had built things up in my head and was tripping over my own ideas, but never actually getting started on any new work.

Can you relate? Ever overthink something you care about?

So I put the research aside and started with what was right in front of me. My experience. This story. This fairytale. Let's go!

The next few paintings are about this internal confrontation—when our creative fire is threatened and the ways we fight to reclaim it.

For me, devotion, gratitude, pleasure, desire.

Here’s a little drawing I made to help me process:

Right now, I’m in the thick of it. Come follow me on Instagram for more of the day to day.

Next week, I’ll be back with more, but for now, I wanted to share this part of the journey.

My warmest,

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Michelle Cherian

Almost started a tech incubator instead got a studio and started painting again. Subscribe to follow my journey, get BTS in the studio and the deets on all the paintings.

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